Monday 11 November 2013

Marisa's Vegetable Sandwich

Marisa's Vegetable Sandwich!
Vegetable Sandwich from the Signature,Multi-cuisine Food Club’s cafe, Coffee Republic!
A vegetable sandwich with a fancy name is still going to be a vegetable sandwich! Isn’t that right!
Why should I post a review on a vegetable sandwich which is so boring and is like salad in between two slices of bread?
That is because a Singaporean with 50% ownership of a cafe called Coffee Republic served me a vegetable sandwich for review.
The man got to know I am a food critic and was excited. He had formal training on coffee in Australia and is a skilful barista, so you would expect himto ask me to highlight his coffee for review, and he characteristically did so. And then he hurriedly went to ask his chef to make a vegetable sandwich for me.
That totally surprised me!
Sir, you just got to know I am a food critic and I expect you to serve me your best. Why a vegetable sandwich then? Have you become so nervous that your brain has stopped working?
That’s what I thought first but then I doubt he was because his he looked totally calm and seemed like he knew exactly what he was doing.
The coffee had a good aroma, nice taste, but not the silky texture I was hoping for in a latte. But I was waiting for the sandwich eagerly.
The sandwich came soon. It was made with brown bread slices, and served just the way you could possibly serve a sandwich-layer one on the other and fries on the sides.
I could see bell peppers, tomatoes and onions and after my first bite, I could taste fresh basil, aubergine, bell pepper, tomato, pumpkin, onion slices and sharply sour feta cheese.
What do you think they should taste like?
To me the whole thing came together to make a fabulous sandwich!
Pesto paste gives a very refreshing feel in the mouth, aubergines make a creamy filling and covers for mayonnaise that is used in most sandwiches made in Dhaka, grilled bell peppers, tomatoes and onion slices work well here and peppers give that smoky flavour, and pumpkin has that pleasant sweetness slightly countering the sharpness of feta cheese. It is much like a ratatouille with pesto dressing. So you have a refreshing minty, sour, slightly sweet, smoky flavour with a creamy gooey texture sandwiched between two slices of fluffy soft brown bread which is easy to bite on and chew.

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