Friday 15 November 2013

At Live Kitchen!

At Live Kitchen!

The photo above looks quite tempting, right! This is what tempted me to go and try

Live Kitchen in Banani is away from the busy main street, close to the Dish and Dessert, and you must have observation skills to notice the place.
I thought the concept was to give an American experience in Dhaka, but the place seemed more like a service for refuges in a ghetto. The whole restaurant was like in a garage with a kitchen beside it, and there were umbrellas hanging from the tin shade roof. Sitting arrangement s was congested and the tables looked old while chairs had glass slabs on the wooden frame to sit on. That is certainly not American for me.
It was time to order and I had to wait for some time before I could find someone to take my orders.
I remember him mentioning that the meal would come in 10 minutes. I wish it did.
We had to wait for a long time and so I was expecting something spectacular.
Cheesy delight burgers with fries and coke!
Fries failed! They were in between chips and fries, and though crispy on the outside with a soft potato core inside, had only salt and nothing more.
The first bite of the burger was disappointing because the edge of the bun was charred. The next few bites promised a lot. It has a nice buttery taste with a nicely cooked patty that was meaty enough to make me happy, but then I had to struggle later. The burger was a bit on the drier side and it ends up being a boring burger in the end. The only thing that was right here was the patty.
Service is awfully slow.
Ambiance is not right for burgers.
Burgers are big and on offer, but can’t say they are reasonably priced.
I certainly didn’t enjoy it there.

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