Thursday 24 September 2015

Dine at Fiesta OVEN FRESH bake n' brew

It is probably true that when you are hungry, things you would probably never even put in your mouth tastes sublime. I do not deny I was hungry to the point where a bowl of a dish was merely a plate size to me, but I can still identify the flavours going down my throat. 
One hunger stricken evening and I had to make a quick stop. Thankfully Fiesta OVEN FRESH bake n' brew was closest to me then. With a burning stomach I was planning for something prepared from dairy products rather than something spicy. The gastric reflux has been bothering me a lot lately.
It didn't seem like a cafe though inside. The place was more like a family dine out space for me. Interior is bright and the couches had tables with the right size. So i did not have to break my back bending forward to eat. 

I needed something to go easy on my stomach and though I was there for a proper meal, the croissant was just too tempting to pass. It was surprising to come across a croissant that was golden brown, with perfectly puffed up layers which were distinct when you check after the first bite, and didn't coat my palates with any unwanted fat. This croissant was done with care, and I can say that since I was edging for another before remembering that I asked for a pasta and cake slice and I am dining alone.

Tuna Macaroni probably doesn't get too many points for presentation though. Pasta was cooked perfectly, and the creamy sauce had oregano and basil. None of the flavours overpowered the other and neither were they too strong and sharp on the tongue. The herbs went smooth with the cream. The cream sauce was generously served and the goodness would often ooze out from the macaroni when pressed with the fork. There were a few tuna chunks and oregano made a harmonious bond with the fish. I would have preferred a slight hint of garlic and a generous sprinkle of black pepper, though black pepper may disturb the gentle character of that sauce.
Garlic bread slices were nothing but biscuits on the plate. 

Then came their special OVEN FRESH special cake slice. It was basically a dense cream cheese cake, with the combo of a thin chocolaty layer in the middle and sticky orange top, on a crust that you probably cannot even feel when it is in your mouth. The flavour of the orange coats around the tongue and chocolate is a nice mix with it. I was happy with the overall result since the cake wasn't gooey or crumbly and the cake came as one.

What was even surprising was that for a satisfying meal the prices were just too reasonable for the present days and yet only a few chairs were filled. My total bill was about Tk580. People probably failed to notice something good at the corner of the street. 
I will hopefully dine again and next time I am going for Spaghetti Bolognaise.

Wednesday 16 September 2015

Burgers from Takeout

I tried only three of them.
It is like having a bun with bacon inside while chewing on other things you can see, but cannot identify with your taste-buds. Bun to patty ratio was far off. Burger patty was pretty dry and crumbly and the strong flavour of bacon bits masked everything inside, rendering the use of any condiment and the meat of the patty useless. Everything else in that burger was just to add to the mass.
Chicken Supreme:
I couldn't even tell the burger had cheddar. This must be a mock cheddar cheese, that has the colour and melted creamy texture but lacks the alluring salty characteristic flavour of the cheddar. Chicken breast was amazingly dry with strong outbursts of rosemary in every single bite. It was a struggle to go through half of it.
Beef and Bacon:
Was that the plan? I mean is the bun supposed to lose its texture and form and become something like milk soaked bread? The condiments were not balanced and the overuse of garlic mayonnaise first seems to go down well, but then becomes too heavy for the taste-buds and even the gut to take. But this is not even the worst part of this burger. Bacon already masks any flavour the patty thrived to give, but the patty is so big and chewy, and the bun is already out of sight within a couple of bites, this burger is in the 'never try again' list now. The patty is ought to be like that. When you make a large patty like that, there is too much contact with the meat and it tends to become firm and slightly bouncy like a sausage after the proteins have gelled the meat in the fridge. So they have compromised with the 'melt in the mouth experience' deciding to use such a big lumpy patty.
Their packaging is worth taking notice of and I really liked the way they can be unfolded to make paper plates. I must admit that I loved their honey mustard dip which was dense, sweet and pleasantly mustardy instead of an earthy kicking one.
Photo credit: Takeout page
I apologize for losing my own photos and having to use their photos.

Sunday 6 September 2015

Pizza at Sbarro Bangladesh

Cheese Pizza at Sbarro Bangladesh
This is probably the best pizza I found at Sbarro. It was a sudden plan and the pizza was just perfect!
The base was thin with a slightly crispy edge that feels like a toast in texture. The sauce was a chunky tomato spread-like and it tasted fresh. The freshness of the sauce just lifts this up to a whole new height and this is what a gourmet pizza should be like. The whole thing came as one.
It was generously topped with cheese and the texture was enough to tell you about its quality. Apparently this pizza slice would outclass any pizza from the other chains here.

Super Supreme Pizza at Sbarro Bangladesh
This pizza slice did not live up to the expectation after the Cheese Pizza. The base was hard like a confectionery baked old slice of pizza. The sauce seemed different here. It was like a paste and had the sublime flavour of basil and perfect blend of herbs. The topping was dense, generous and balanced, but the crust killed it.

Tuesday 1 September 2015

Pizza at Platter

If you haven't tried the pizza at Platter and go drooling on pizzas, you should probably be planning a visit this week.

They serve wood fired pizzas. If you are not careful here, you can easily either get a charred pizza or have a underdone one. The dense heat gets the pizza done very fast and you should be very good with your timing if you are preparing pizzas in wood ovens. But wood oven will always give you the best pizzas in the world with a woody smoky hint.
They seem to get it right almost every time. The pizza has a thin soft proper crust, unlike bread based as served in many places, with slightly crispy edges.
What makes this pizza so special to me is the heart of it. The heart of any pizza would be its sauce. The sauce has vibrant flavours, with the refreshing kick of basil. This is a pizza keep on stuffing yourself with whole day may be and not get tired of that easily. Toppings are generously served too.
You can see your pizza being prepared by the chef and the dough just gives you the idea of the story to follow. When you can see the dough made right, and the pizza pie rolled out from it, it is just too hard to wait for the climax of the tasty adventure.