Tuesday 11 June 2013

Penne Pesto at Gloria Jean's Coffees Bangladesh

The pesto sauce may not be the true original Genoese pesto,which is made by simply grinding the ingredients, yet it was truly Italian, just gives the idea that the kitchen in GJC specializes on Italian cuisine a little more than others.
The green sauce says it all about the ingredients. The colour has to be of fresh basil. The smooth taste is lead by refreshing taste of basil and the subtle nutty flavour together with butter makes it a good blend. Butter gives its creamy texture and helps to hold the flavours in the taste buds for a long time. What was even better was that it didn't have any strong odor of the Parmigiano Reggiano. Garlic with basil makes it a perfect Italian combination.
The Penne Pesto is certainly a perfect treat for the Bangladeshi summer. The dish is reasonably priced.

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