Tuesday 25 June 2013

Pizza Inn buffet

Cream of chicken and mushroom soup- I liked the fresh taste of the cream, but didn't quite like the consistency. I think it needs to be a little thicker and some more flavours could have been added. The soup was good, but nothing extraordinary. I like cream soup and always liked the soup since childhood. So I was happy to find the soup there.

Garlic bread with cheese- Now they must try finding ways to prevent them from drying up. They can be great to go with the soup.

Coleslaw/salad- Cabbage needs to be chopped even finer and used in appropriate portion. It has a flat taste. Nothing very significant here.

Crispy chicken- It should have been named spicy crispy chicken, cause its spicy, tastes great, and moist too. Perfectly prepared strips I would say. However, I don't find them consistent with the crisps. Sometimes, they are excellent, and at times they are loose and leaving a floury feeling in the mouth.

Sub Sandwich- I enjoyed the sandwich, but I was looking for a little more chaat flavour inside. Mozzarella is my favourite, but I enjoy it when hot and can be stretched. When the cheese is cold, it retains its cheesy flavour, but is dry. I probably would have used a bit of cheddar, cause it tastes fine even when cold, and thin mayo paste to prevent them from drying up in the buffet,where they will stay for hours before consumption.
I liked the taste otherwise. The taste of cheese is well complemented by garlic.

Pizzas-Now they were very disappointing . The reason I dined there is for the pizzas. The slices were dry, and tandoori pizza had a stronger taste of coriander and meat didn't have the good chaat flavour like it did when I had this pizza couple of weeks ago. When you are leaving pizzas in buffet, its best to add extra sauce. The pizza didn't have extra sauce, rather sauce was too less this time.
In my last review on them, I highlighted the sauce, because of the smoothness and richness in flavour. I would say its their sauce that makes their pizzas so special. But being stingy on its use this time killed their pizzas.

Arabian pizza (dessert)- Using date paste for the base was really smart. I would have liked walnuts with it as a topping too. Bananas and apples for toppings were good, though I would have preferred poached pears to apples. The crust was also smartly prepared. Its like biting on a cracker.
The only problem is the after taste, which is like that of plum chutney. May be use of cinnamon can solve that, but there are several ways to modify and get rid of that taste. Yet i liked the use of dates, making the dessert a healthy and energy packed treat

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