Wednesday 12 June 2013

Three chefs have impressed me so far.
Mr. Sayem Manna (Executive Chef at Gloria Jean's Coffees Bangladesh) for his knowledge of Italian cuisine
Mr. Sushanto (Station Chef at The Westin) for seafood
The Head Chef of Verbanella (sorry I didn't get your name) for steaks and roasted beef.

I must thank Chef Sushanto for last night's dish, which saved my dinner. The grilled shrimps with lemon butter garlic sauce was one of the best seafood dish I have had in the city. However, its only in terms of taste. I didn't like how it was served. The shrimps were cut right through. When you butterfly shrimps,prawns or lobsters, its best to cut them through the top of the shell and the tail. When you cut through the whole body, the two halves curl up with the shell, making it difficult to eat. Had he not done that mistake, I would have given the dish a perfect score.
Its a shame that the chefs at The Westin have the potential but don't serve good. The skill is a waste then. Its high time they start being honest to their guests. I don't mind paying a few grands for a small portion if the flavours are worth it. But I hate paying even a penny for food which doesn't taste good, even if its a large portion.

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